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Alumni-Athlete Form

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If you are a Phoenix College alumni and participated in intercollegiate athletics while at PC, we want to hear from you! The Phoenix College athletic department is in the process of forming an Athletic Alumni list. Please use the form below to give us a way to keep in touch with you!

If your information changes in the future, please resubmit. Thank you! #GoBears

Sport Information

If multiple, please let us know in the comment section!
Example: 2005-07
Did you compete at a four-year institution after Phoenix College?

Personal Information


Business Information

Any other information you would like us to know
Data Consent - I agree that by submitting this form to Phoenix College Athletics, I give consent to Phoenix College to store and use personal and academic-related information for all recruitment and academic records-related activities. I also agree to allow Phoenix College to use multiple forms of communication for the purpose of recruitment and academic-related information during my academic career. Furthermore, I hereby authorize and consent to the use of my name, image, likeness, and voice in the Media for all Materials or any other purposes deemed appropriate by Phoenix College. I understand that if I do not agree to this statement, this form cannot be submitted. *
* required field